Tuesday, March 8, 2011

♥Come Original ♥

 ♥ Ok, so this is a completely random post.. No fashion in this one.. just my thoughts. I don't know about all the other SL fashion bloggers but i do it for fun and to help the IMs i get when I'm out and about asking where i got something. I don't get review copies of items to blog, especially since this blog is less than two months old. i blog the items i have in my inventory, the new things i buy and the outfits I'm wearing. I have people always asking where i got something, and i like to share. I know a lot of people want to keep certain things to themselves and that's just fine, but these creators take time to make items to be bought so why should i keep it a secret. I know if I owned a store and took time out of my day to make clothes, hair, accessories, etc. its meant for people to enjoy, and i wouldn't want people to keep it a secret. Like i said tho, please don't take me wrong, if you choose not to disclose where you acquired a certain item, that's your right, i just choose to share. i know its also about an "originality" quality to your avatar, but if you truly want to be original you can learn to make your own items and only keep them for yourself. Lets face it, its sl there are tons of clones running about, there are certain things you cant completely control. Yes, I've shown up at a place where someone may be wearing the same dress or pants or hair.. its inevitable. So yes, I'm aware many people know where my clothes and accessories are from, this is for those who aren't as SL shopping savvy, and to show my style because,( i hope this doesn't sound pretentious), it may inspire a look for someone else. I only say this because there have been plenty of times I've seen a certain item on a blog and i thought it was so cute and it did inspire one of my outfits. So i hope you all enjoy the blog and remember that true originality lies in who you are not what you wear. ♥
Just for Shits in Giggles

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